I've been having some good quality fun trying to shoot people in the head. I figure it is good training for my inner uh.. manly.. uh.. job thing I do with the military. :) I've been playing Counter-Strike: Source for hours on end nonstop until I'm sick of it! It's not bad either because I could be paying a monthly subscription to things like WoW, FFXI, or EVE-Online. Pssh.
Speaking of MMORPGs, I still have 2 months left on my WoW sub and 3 months on my FFXI and 1 month on my EVE. I might as well make the best of it. I need a more fast paced MMORPG. Something like Counter-Strike meets an RPG. Much like Planetside but with better graphics and a dev team that updates it constantly. :O~
Anywho, here are some screenshots of me and my awesomeness.