In Case You Were Thinking About Friending Me

Jan 19, 2012 07:06

There are a few things you should know.

1. I will never be ashamed of you because of something you've written. Having the strength to write anything and put it out there in the world is an amazing accomplishment and something that anyone who does it should be proud of.

2. I will never judge you based on the content of your fics. There may be things that I just don't enjoy reading about, but I will not think it's any less awesome of you for writing it in the first place. But here is a promise from me. I will never be silently judging you because you write what is considered "underage" in my country. For that matter, I wouldn't vocally judge you either. I read pretty much everything, from hardcore kink to vanilla fluff, so I have no room for hypocrisy and that is something you should know before you decide if we should be friends.

3. I will never try to tell you what to write (or what not to write). There is not a situation I can currently imagine where this would be okay with me.

So if you are the type of person who likes to silently judge people for what they write, or likes to try to tell people what they should and should not write, please consider not friending me.

! important

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