Title: New York, New York | Part One: Road Full of Promise (7/13)
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Kurt/Blaine, Rachel/Finn
Spoilers: Through 2x22 “New York”
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5,220
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters. I’m just borrowing them for a little while.
Summary: Kurt stared dully at the blinking cursor on his computer screen. William Blake
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They're hosting as well? I can already tell I'm gonna love it!
(By any chance, can you tell when the next chapter will be up? XP /waits patiently)
You're starting another verse, cannot wait to read that too!
(I don't have a tumblr, I'm thinking about it, but it sort of scares me and I'm not that computer savvy)
Tumblr is strange and addictive. It's also kind of a popularity contest. But I have connected with a few people through there, so I kind of like it. (Not a rousing endorsement, I guess!)
I love it already and I want them to have children so bad. I'm interested in how you go about it. Plus, I want to know everything about them. Did they meet in high school and how did Burt react at that time, did it differ from now? I cannot wait to read this.
(The beginnings are always the hardest part to write, I so agree.
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