The Roberts Legacy: Generation 10.3

Jun 29, 2009 11:28

.: 49 pictures behind the cut :.

For the record, I also have all the pictures edited and uploaded for a SOWHUT and a Crayola update. I'm going out of town for the weekend, and because when I travel it takes FOREVER to get caught up, I wanted to be caught up before I even made it home. ^.^ So it's up to you guys, do you want me to post all three before I leave, or space them out by a week, giving you time to read them thoroughly, and giving me time to stay caught up?

This week is not getting any better for "death". Grim must be getting overtime. :(

Sebastian: Why did I get an old dog? Now I'm sad that we didn't have more time together.

Brie: So you ready for a first kiss yet?

Why must all politicians be unfaithful. :\

Edward: You are so beautiful honey!
leenyland: >:[

Oh I see, first you tempt Edward, now you're hogging the bowling alley!

Hussy: WOO! I love this place!
Nora: Who are you again?

Alexander: I got an A!
Nora: Honey, everyone gets A's. It's not special anymore.

Lets see if we can get this done.

Brie: Welcome to our house! We're so happy to have you.

Brie: *is bored*
Headmaster: What a pretty couch!

Lil & Edward: *gets it on*

Nora & Sebastian: *gets it on*

Eventually, Sebastian decides an adult should greet the Headmaster.
Headmaster: Oh! The children are part alien! Accepted!

LOL, as soon as Sebastian greeted him, the kids were accepted.

Okay whodunit?

Lil: Do you smell something burning?
Edward: Would you like me to clear your plate while I wait for my lobster?

Yes Edward, let your guilt guide you to STARVATION.

For some reason, after 10 generations, I've become very addicted to the butt sparkle.

Bennett - Fortune/Pleasure - 0-10-3-9-10

Edward: Hello Foxy Lady!
Cilla Roberts: Back off buddy.

Cilla: He is hot though.

I agree Edward, I agree. No more babies.

Family fun time on the treadmill. Gotta love Fitness sims.

Sebastian: I hate getting old, I can't see a thing without my glasses!

Does anyone else start to develop a hate for this thing? Sure it's great for a quick fun boost, but they flock to it like candy.

Brie: Are you ready for our first kiss yet? I'd really like to get these "teen things" done already?
Brie's date: Oh, you are so sweet!


Alexander: Eww, girls have cooties!

Bennett's turn!

Paperboy: haha, you are so funny!

Paperboy: umm.. I don't think I'm gay. This is awkward.

Sorry, I am preparing for the family reunion this weekend. The annual water volleyball has been known to get down right dirty and has even caused injury!

Nora: oh yeah, I'm still awesome!
Edward: GRRRR!!!!!!!

Nora: 2 for 2! Oh yeah!
Edward: GRRRR!!!!!!!

Edward: PWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nora: Noooooooooooooooo!

Nora: That's more like it!
Edward: I was so close!

LOL, you can certainly try Edward.

New Event!

Edward: I'm younger and have more muscle, this is mine to lose!

This round goes to Edward!

Edward: I won?!!?!?

Nora: Never get over confident LOSER!

Nora: Do you smell that? It's the sweet smell of VICTORY!

Nora: Does my splashing distract you? Are you ready to give up?

Nora: *falls*

Bennett: *snickers* Old people.

Alexander: Okay, why is everyone staring at me?


Here's your Generation 10 folks! I'm done with the Roberts for the most part. I want to rebuild the hood since the current one is glitchy. I also want to bring up to date all those extras of each generation. What I do with them once I get it all sorted out I don't know. We'll see. ^.^

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