Because I needed a break, so... JIN! XDD

Oct 16, 2010 23:19

So yeah, I was SOOO busy within the last two weeks that I couldn't stay online for more than an hour and any fangirl knows that it isn't enough. I don't even know if Jin is still in Japan or what. >.<

Damn teachers for making the life of their students miserable. Too many exams and requirements. I need a break because seriously, my brain would explode soon. Blah blah blah. Whateverrrrr.

So I watched HnS because I need to laugh and smile and giggle and flail.

SOOOO, Jiiiin! :DDD

Yah, he got excited.

An eating Jin and a baka Jin at the back. XD

This is what he meant by daydreaming. XDD



Seee? Jin also gets bullied.

Anddd? Idk. XD

Very girl-ishhhh! :D

Remember the hair? XD

Junno is OBVIOUSLY better than Jin when it comes to ballet dancing, or whtv this dancing is called. XD

LMAO! Oh Jin...

Jin+Dog = OTP atm.

The guy who's freaked out by just a parrot.

What's with the face? XD

The infamous Jin-in-a-tiger(?)-outfit!

Five mooore days to go and I'll have my not-so-long vacatiooon. But still, I need that. I miiissss fandom! :(

gif, i miiiiiiss fandooom, jin akanishi

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