So, Leeni Loves Plush. A place for me to post my plushes, and for you guys to get some from me. (This all sounds so pretentious (like the tag system, eh Tor? ;P) so, yeah. Uhm. D: that's really all I had to point out.)
FAQWS || ?????
Plushes made;
Erica Hahn-
Callie Torres Plushes selling;
- Callica set $12USD (shipping included) - it's a special price 'cause ILUgaiz.
Future plushes;
- Kate Walsh
- LimeGreen!Callie
- Jennnn
- L Word Plushes!
This 12USD also goes for the UK and Singapore.. yay!
And Canada 8D
I plan to also set up other commissions, in case anyone is interested. There's a standard base fee of $5 for shipping (to the US. If that's not where you live,then talk to me about it) and then I'll add more depending on the complexity/materials required.
Also, as a side note, I'd like to point out that the Erica Hahn design is not finalized. The felt I'd like to use for her hair is unavailable to my local spotlight, so I'll have to go elsewhere for it, and her skin color will NOT be pink, rather a cream.
Also, for purchasing.. you can place your order, I'll make it and THEN you can pay. I don't really think I'll have an issue with people who decide they don't like the finished product. I'll just work on building up my own personal plush army! :D
Love you all.