my legs hurt

Mar 06, 2004 14:52

Man, i just got back from an 1 1/2 of leg workouT(BALLET) owwwwwie! my legs are uncontrollably shakeing.. lol doesnt that sound great?... so yea anywho..
THe play... "Fortress"--its o..k.. not the best work Highline has seen but its okie.. The only good acting thats being done would be Jessie and Steven! Everyone else sucks. lol Annie is ok as the shrink but i dunno doesnt do mcuh for me.. the freshman, Nick i believe his name is, the one that plays stevens charactor. Billy, at an older age is alright. He doesnt know his lines well enough though and he doesnt seem to play the exact same charactor... Like his verson of Billy is much different from Stevens verson.. It kinda makes sence though at the same time because Billy turns emo(which workds) but he needs to have the same habbits/ body movements as Steven..and well they dont... Now Jessie, shes hella good too! She is also very sexy in that Pink dress when shes saducing Steven..very sexy. lol But the girl that plays Jessies charactor(older) is COMEPLETELY differnt. IN EVERYWAY. it totaly doesnt work. It bothers me.. AND all the rest of the charactors are just reading lines ..its discusting. They have no emotion what-so-ever! IT DRIVES ME INSAINE! Persay, Kendra who plays Billys mom.. shes supoosed to get angry n shit but oh no!~ her voice doesnt even rise even the slightest bit!!! YOU CAN BARELY HEAR HER! SHES SO DUMN! I WANT TO SLAP HER ACCROS THE FAACE! hey i should, maybe that will rise some anger into her~ SHEEEEEEIT! Jared hes not bad, at least his anger level goes it. But man OH AND some of the ghosts JUST STAND THERE! WTF? YOU A FUCKING GHOST...YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE SPOOKIE~~ HELLLO?!?! ARE YOU STUPID?!?!... Dont just stand there AT LEAST move! DAMN! you all can tell ashleen is a bit heated over this whole performance..:) But hey because this show is like the greatest ever, you all should come see the last night, tonight at 7 in the little theatre.. 5$ w/ASB 6$w/out, Come Support HHS Drama :)... oh and were selling Highline Blankets as well $35.. they are soo warm and snuggly.. its great. I have 2....

Oh and on Monday, you ALLL should come tanning at SunTrek Tan and Travel.. AND MAKE ME SOME MONEY@
19919 1st ave s suite A
Normandy Park


Oh PS... PARTY AT BRENANS! (If you have some relation to the cast or crew)
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