Feb 19, 2004 19:24
Alright so yesterday, David O, Kelley, Me and Jeff E... were all at Kelleys house. We just watched Alice in Wonderland(so were all ina stoner mood) k so we start watchin tv right... and OMG the BEST SHOW EVVVVVVER~ it was sooooooo coooooool. (Chanel 28 at 5 o'clock on wednesday) Beba i believe is what its called... so anyway it comes on and like this like wanabe teletubbie is on the screen except its like this purple thing, it has a baby face and ya know McDonalds, the big purple guy, the baby had that body... still with me.. ok, so this baby purple thing is like just chillin there with all this trippy water, jell,rainbow shit in the backround, hes makin wierd noice then like to rows of other ones!(all different colors, colors of the rainvbow) so there are 5 of them, and they they run back behind the 1dst one so you cant see them, then they slowly come back out, THEN RUN BACK, THEY GO OUT, THEN RUN BACK, then they like form into this big shiny silver, rainbow jell ball thing, it flies away and on the way it creates a rainbow behind it.. so there are all these rainbows in the sky, IM LIKE WOOOOOOOOH HOLEY SHIT! WOW!
(by this time we are like soo amaized by this show and wish sooooo mcuh that we were high) so anyway this ball thing is flying, it lands outside, and these two girls appear, there prolly like 5 or 6, k , and it films them for like 2 hours of them with their legs spred walking around all retarted(doing the same damn thing) then the ball forms again and flies somewhere else, and this little autistic gurl in a wheel chair shows up and she does this hide and seek type thing (for like 2 hours), like you do with a lttle kid when you all "peekabooo!" then the ball goes somewhere else and this little black kid prolly like 4 is like breakdancing but it doin the same move for once again like 2 hours of film, THEN the ball forms again and returned to their world. like there are all these colorful clouds and shit right, and then THEY FUCKIN RAISE UP AND FLY THEY ARE LIKE FLOATING THERE! they are all doin these flips and shit@ it is sooo crazy then they do that one hide behind the purple one againg thing. and they like dance sorta... and then its OVER ........ it was the coolest thing ever! we like gota tape that show lol. it will be sooooo great! lol
SO YEA that was my exciting adventure... even though it wasnt really an adventure. :)