Sep 12, 2004 13:02
I refuse. I refuse to be subserivant to a man just because he has a penis. I refuse to be subservient to anyone because they tell me i should. I refuse to give up my hopes, dreams and goals because some judgemental person tells me I should. Islam supposedly gives all of these rights to women with one hand but taking away their fundamental right to life with the other. to each his own, yes, but my own will never be in a house. My own will never be being told that i am not allowed to do something. I will strive for all of my goals, my dreams, my ambitions. I am mad. there is no other way to state this. I am mad, furious in fact. She lost complete sight of anything involved in my journal entry and decided to just go off on her own tangent about how women are subservient to men and how they belong in the house, well i think that is crap, and i will never agree with it. I am getting a college education and I will USE it. Womens education is so important to me. I am going to attach my other JE