my first dollar

Sep 07, 2004 12:47

i came to the art institute feeling bad on the very first week. i had a talk with an instructor of mines and he told me that i am very unexperienced and sorta mentioned that i should have been accepted by a portfolio to this school... but I didn't. It made my hopes and excitement of learning shatter into pieces and make me feel as if i am not good enough to go to this school... i came to this school because i know i am unexperienced and I do want to learn. Those words just felt so discouraging and made me feel like i can't to shit.

but then again i have hope.... with another instructor... he's very strict and straight forward and so technical but i'm learning a lot in his class... he's the type of teacher that acts cool and is funny.. but when it comes to grading and school stuff.... omg.. he's sooo hard! he's even technical about the hours you miss in class. If you miss 8 hours of class, he'll drop you. If you don't have your supplies to work in class, he'll make you leave until you do get them, and the time that you're not in class counts towards the time you are missing in class...

i worked so hard on my first project, but he gave me a B... i was so set at the beginning of school to maintain my 4.0 gpa... i had the chance to redo it and I did.... since then i've been getting A work. I'm glad that he lets you know what grade you got for each project right away, so you know how you're doing in class... and if you arent doing so good, then you have the time till the end of the quarter to make things better so you do get A's. It makes me feel good. Everyone else is struggling but I seem to be doing just fine. With my project that I had to turn in today... we had two weeks to create an abstract form by carving a piece of balsa wood. We needed to have an edge, two textures, make it convex, concave and make sure that it doesn't have any flat surfaces or just doesnt look blocky. Usually at the end of the critique session, we get to nomiate the projects we think look best... then we vote and who ever gets the most votes earns a dollar by the teacher. Many times i've been so close to getting it, but finally today I earned my first dollar. It is just such an accomplisment and makes me feel like I can actually survive in this school.

Anywyas im almost done packing to leave for hawaii... can't believe im leaving in just a few hours... i miss my family and my boyfriend and my dog and my room and the food and the water that you can just drink from the hose outside and my friends and just everything.
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