this has food...

Nov 03, 2004 01:52

food food food food food food.

now that that's out of the way, i'd like to say a few poetic words about election day because the whole world seems to have their undies in a bundle.

i didn't vote.
voting is gay.
i'm glad other people do gay things so i don't have to.
the end.

and here are 3 people who said it even better than i did.

"I've been sitting here for two hours waiting for election results. Fantastic.
It's almost as fun as getting a blow job from a lawnmower."
-Garrett Neese (a real journalist, no less)

"Voting is gay, you are all gay.
Now before you rip your panties standing up in offense, hear me out; I'm sure you'll find me reasonable and kind. First off, you're stupid-- you're going to make as many mistakes as other people who are stupid, so it doesn't matter if you vote or if your vote is split evenly among all other voters. Second off, you're stupid. I say it twice because you're stupid and probably already forgot, like a dog. Thirdly, and finally, you don't live in one of the three states where voting matters, and even if you did you'd have better odds of winning the lottery than making a difference."
-Andy Marsh

"I'm the national collegiate representative of the Women's League of Non-Voters, and to show my support for neither candidate, I used my absentee ballot as a tampon. That means I shoved it up my bung for eight hours and let it soak up blood, and then I took it out and flushed it down the toilet." 
-Lydia Chilton

and now, for good measure:
food food food food food.

the next entry will detail some wacky culinary adventures. regardless of which douche ends up in the white house. so yeah, read or die. peruse or lose.
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