Feb 08, 2008 13:48
Have to get to the laundry before Aeryn wants out of her crib so here's a few snippets:
Feeling blue lately. I can tell because all I want to do is eat junk and go shopping. Partly from feeling crappy about D'Argo, partly from my period being due soon : /
We're going kitten searching this weekend. The kids are excited about each getting to pick a new kitten for the family. I still have to scope out where we're looking.
My sister finally got a job as a medical assistant. She got a certificate or diploma to be a MA four years ago and finally got a job in it. I haven't talked to her since she started so I hope it's going well. We've both been really busy.
Ed's been working longer hours (which doesn't help with my feeling blue). He doesn't get home until after 6, sometimes after 7. Plus he may have to start going in on weekends : P
Aeryn is cutting her 11th tooth!