You know how when you pretend to eat a baby's/child's tummy they laugh because it tickles? Well, I do that with Aeryn but she's not ticklish yet. Today, she was standing on my lap and I started to "eat" her chin. She started really laughing!! It was so cute! I guess she's just more intune with her faical/mouth area than the rest of her body. Now that I've found the tickle spot I'll exploit it as much as I can : D
It appears that all the stomach/intestinal problems have finally left the building. Of course I started it and ended it. (I was on the toilet most of Tuesday.) Now Thomas has a cough and a runny nose and this morning I heard Celest coughing a little. Can't we catch a break?!?
Aeryn is back to her normal sleeping schedule. Today I put her down at 9:30 am for her normal morning nap. I peeked in at 10:30 am (I love watching babies sleep) before I hopped in the shower and she was still awake! She hadn't made one peep so I thought she was sleeping that whole time. I really needed my shower so I hopped in, showered and shaved really quick, expecting her to be quite upset by the time I was done. Nope. She had fallen asleep! She didn't wake up til 12:30 pm and now she's back in her crib. She's making a little noise, but nothing major.
Hopefully she gets at least an hour nap because Thomas has taekwondo today and I really can't handle a cranky baby there. There's no other room to go to and no where to put her down other than the carpet they use for their taekwondoing(?).
I know my last post had semi-smiling Aeryn photos, well we got a bigger smile on camera! Still not her super happy face, but getting there!