Hello...so it was very exciting getting outside again. I get my lisence tomorrow :) My whole family is like intoxicated from the fumes of the oil. The truck guys came 2 fill it up and spilt is everywheres, then Crid goes upstairs and opens her window so now the whole house smells like it...and Melissa asks why I sound so cheery and hyper lol.
Tonight I just watched Open Water and went 2 the spa. It's such a sad movie...but very good (Y). Amazing Race is on now...and Michelle called, she's planning on coming home, I cannot wait :)
Doing that quiz made me want 2 start counting my cds :S...but there's 2 many.
My old pre-school...3rd one I actually stayed at
I think my obsession with trackters is back...so beautiful lol.
My church cemetery :(
We sat here for quite awhile...
Then ate here
Went shopping...I bought a new wallet :), being as Crid says mine is 2 kidish :(
Went for a drive
Crid: Why are you taking pictures of the dump?
Waiting for Mommy...
The evil oil truck.
I better go...get ready for bed and watch this, SeE Ya *(L)*