May 18, 2006 18:05
I haven’t written in a while because well not much hasn’t happened but I've just been busy. For starters I finished all my finals last week and started working two jobs, however that will soon change. Yay! Today I put my two weeks in at Alperts so that I can work at Victoria’s Secret and go to school. Today however I fucked up and made myself very upset. I have been planning something unique for Kevin for his birthday in august and I kinda slipped on one part of it today while I was talking to him. :( However he doesn’t know the whole thing which is good because
Then I would be sooo upset with myself. I am however kinda upset that I will only be working at Victoria’s Secret because I was hoping to save up some extra money for August as well as for school and stuff. But I am just fed up with the bullshit. Sunday did it for me. If people are older than me and still more immature then fuck them and the hell with the job. Not like its good money or you can actually move up in the company either. I already know that Aida already started training Stephanie to become supervisor when I finally did give her my notice, so it’s not like they want me there anymore than I want to be there. I still can’t get over the fact that they completely fucked over Kayla TWICE!! And now they are going to do it again too. So the hell with Alperts! Who needs ‘em?? I will miss some people but for the most part I’m glad to be done. Victoria’s Secret is so much easier and just a nicer work environment. You are never bored, even if it is just straightening up the area you are in for the day the time goes by so quick!! Today I was at Alperts for only 5 hours and it felt like a double shift. Sunday and Tuesday at Victoria’s Secret I worked 6 hour shifts and it went by like nothing. Not sure if it’s the people or the job or well that it’s not Alperts. I JUST ADORE IT!!!! Not to mention DISCOUNTS!!!!!! Tis a b-e-a-utiful thing. :) Well, I am babysitting at aunties tonight for DJ and Cam. And in a few mins I have to go take DJ to boy scouts, yay? I just wish Kevin would have decided to come hang out for a lil while. But I can see his point, it is kinda far from his new job. Anyways off to drop him off then back here for some more birthday doings online.