
May 08, 2005 01:53

Questions are back on the LT board!! Yes, it's been too long. Please come back and answer them! Thanks!


I was watching some of The Beat eps that Diane sent and she was right. There are some classic Lee scenes to see. There is one GREAT scene between Steve (Lee) and his brother, Mike. They are talking about Mike's wedding and he's trying to tell Steve that he's chosen his friend, Zane, as his best man and hopes Steve won't be upset. Steve assures him he's not.

Then a few minutes later, Steve rambles on about being a bad role model for Mike, who has chosen to be a cop instead of a fireman like the rest of the Dorrigan family. Mike assures him that he was a wonderful big brother. Steve says, all serious, "If I'm such a great big brother, then why aren't I going to be your best man?" Mike groans and says, "I knew you'd be mad."

Then Steve starts chuckling and says, "You're so easy. I totally got you." I'm laughing hysterically because this is classic Lee. Either he improvised this or Tom wrote it with Lee's personality in mind. I have seen him pull this on so many people it's not even funny.

Ya gotta love him.
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