Omoshire na~

Mar 21, 2009 19:19

Holy shit! its been almost 2 weeks since I posted anything! and theres tons of stuff to talk about too! aaaaah! *goes berserk* @.@
Now that Im actually posting something nothing comes to mind of what I'd like to talk about XD lame Anyway I guess I'll begin with the usual...

awww look, they're bonding! XD
I've seen about 500 episodes of Reborn since I made my last post, so theres a LOT to yap about. LIEK RYOHEI AND HANA BEING CANON?!?! OMGWTFBBQ?!?! What the hell is that?!?! One thing I liked about the series (and what basically the whole fandom was agreeing on) was that there weren't any canon pairings with the main cast. It focused on the fighting and the friendships between people rather than Tsuna winning the heart of Kyoko. I enjoyed it. It let my yaoi-obsessed imagination run wild thinking of all teh hot buttsecks everyone was having offscreen mind ponder the meaning of friendship XD. Those were the times...err anyway, it broke my heart hearing there was a het pairing in Reborn that wasnt fan induced and it literally brought me to tears to learn that my RYOHEI was part of it. Needless to say I was pretty pissy the entire day. I think what bothered me the most was that it was Hana, since I didn't care for her too much in the show anyway, and now shes practically Shirley status in my book. If she wasn't such a bitch all the time, I probably would've been "awww, thats cute." but no. More than half the time I see her, shes acting like an elitist with an attitude problem. AT LEAST HARU IS NICE YA DUMB BITCH. But anywho, dont want to turn this into a rant about my love being snatched away by an asshole...
I WAS SO GLAD CHROME FINALLY DID SOMETHING. It was really starting to annoy me having to see her lay in her hospital bed, whimpering like a puppy, having an owl lay next to her lol wut When she finally infiltrated the base I was like FUCK YEAH CHROME SMACK DEM BITCHES UP! Of course, half the time she was whimpering and limping -_- *cough cough* I'm ok...I'll be right there...*uses triton to balance* Oh yeah, Yamamoto practically brought me to tears when he smashed his face against the wall and he couldn't get up T.T...but hibari san comes to save the day, woohoo! And Gammas/Ganmas fight with Gokudera just ended, but we dont know who the victor was! dammit reborn... BUT THATS NOT ALL! Irie is behind the reason why everyone can't go back to the past! What a twist! Totally didn't see that coming! *gets bricked* Im anticipating the new opening, since episode 127 is coming out in 2 weeks, that means I get to add another awesome Reborn song to my playlist! Alright now for something that might bother me as much as the new RyoheixBitchy Japanese woman pairing...the manga. Oh my god HAVE YOU READ THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION?!?! Its complete and utter farce. I was very dissapointed in how they did certain things in there, like Tsuna calling Gokudera HAYATO. HAYATO!?! The only people who call him Hayato are his sister and Doctor Shamal. Everyone else calls him Gokudera. ITS NOT THAT HARD! Also, the things that Tsuna says when hes in a pinch. "Crimeny!" "Blazes!" Really Viz, REALLY? what is he, british? But I think the worst one is what they call the Dying Will Bullet...deathperation. Thats right, DEATHPERATION. *shudders* worst pun EVER I really wanted to buy it since I didn't have any merchandise from the show, but since my friend borrowed it from the library and showed me the horrors that was the english translation, I'm seriously rethinking about purchasing it. Speaking of purchases...

Lets do a breakdown of everything I got...
The Baccano Boxset
The Baccano DVD (#2)
The Cain Saga (the whole thing, yes!)
Godchild (# 1-5)
Host Club (Err...2 & 3. Maybe I bought the first voulme too...)
Welcome to the NHK Boxset
Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad Boxset (i love the box *-*)
Hatsune Miku Nendoroid
Gundam 00 Kyrios Figure

Insane right? Ive been basically tossing my money left and right, buying all this crap. I even bought 2 Saiyuki posters for my friend...
But its AWWWRIGHT. Totally worth it in the end. Its funny since each item has its very own story to how I bought it, like when I bought my NHK boxset I didn't realize that there was a HUGE dent in it. le garsp! But it was only 10 bucks so I didn't think much of it. The best ones though were when I got my Baccano DVDs. We went to Best Buy and I saw it there and I was almost brought to tears seeing it, but I had to leave to watch this thing called the Vagina Monolouges (oh god...its as bad as it sounds) so I was practically sobbing the entire time. DVD 2 takes the cake though. I had just bought the entire series of the Cain Saga oooh whoop de fricken doo 5 books and was with my friends walking around the mall. We decided to go back to the Anime Club (the store I buy half my shit from) when I glanced over at the DVD section to see the SECOND BACCANO DVD STARING AT ME. I basically pulled a Darth Vader NUUUUUUUUUUU and fell onto the ground and curled up in a ball, in front of everyone in the store. I wish I was making this up My friend asked me "what the hell is wrong with you?" and I looked up at her with the most pitiful face ever and told her "I have no money." I DIED THAT DAY MY FRIENDS. DIED. I spent 15 minutes searching for a money source and as my friend and I were walking toward the mall exit I say "too bad you dont have your card" KACHING! BINGO! She bought it for me that day and I was happy as a clam what does that even mean? But enough obsessing over my Baccano DVDs, I have figures now!

isnt she cute? and her head is so big! (i wonder what shes standing on...XD)

itty bitty gundam is itty bitty
After I got these I came to the realization that my otakuness has come full circle. I've been to a convention, cosplayed, own posters, plushies, manga, anime, and figures. I told myself once I get figures then I'll really be otaku...then I bought a Konata keychain mini nendoroid and gave in to the fact that I am and will probably always be an otaku. But now I'm pretty okay with it and not so self concious about my "secret life", which is a pretty big thing for me. Pat me on the back dammit XD HERE I AM WORLD, LEELEEKINS, OTAKU AND HARDCORE ANIME NERD! :D

I'm cosplaying as Haru this year, because I wanted to cosplay as SOMEONE from Reborn, and hers was the easiest. I ordered a yellow sweatervest off of ebay and I will also in 1-3 weeks get my very first KATEKYO HITMAN REBORN OFFICAL MERCHANDISE! Its a Tsuna Dying Will plushie! >///<

look at his expression! AWWWW! >///< *explodes*
I'm going to have to fight the urge to not cry when I see him, also the urge to carry him everywhere with me because I love him so fucking much...
I might just squeal in delight since he'll be the one thing I actually have of Reborn thats offical(I have a snowglobe with a pic of Ryohei in it that I made and thats basically the only thing Reborn in my room that isnt on my laptop T.T) lol pathetic attempt to have something reborn is pathetic  Of course, that is until Anime Expo >:D

So...i think thats it for now...I hope to buy the rest of the Godchild series by the end of April, and get Tsuna in one week (a girl can hope T.T). Watched a few things other than Reborn, nothing worth mentioning though XD I'm going to visit my friends grave tomorrow, this will be year 5 for us, its a cool thing to do with the group of friends that hung out with her and keep her in our memories. I might buy manga tomorrow XD

ETA: Hetalia episodes=win XD

baccano, life, khr

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