It was the best of times, the worst of times

Jun 06, 2006 16:41

No, not really that dramatic, but give me some leeway, this is HARD! *grin*
I guess I'll try to go chrono and fill in as best I can

We got a late start because someone decided that was a good day to not hear his alarm... *grrr* But we were on the road by about 10am. We were talking the WHOLE way up. Yap yap yap, giggle, blush, giggle. Talked about my fears of acting inappropriately in P-Town, giving someone the wrong idea by "being too friendly" and the like. Joked about "What he doesn't know can't hurt me" and such, and at one point, amidst the joking about "I'll be so free!" I commented "What happens in P-Town, stays in P-Town (like the Vegas slogan?) and Sugar said "Oh really..." with this evil grin and I felt really weird for a couple of minutes... *ahem* Anyway, I asked her to "keep an eye on me" to be sure I was behaving as I should, yadda yadda. We also talked about Brokeback Mountain (which we both hated) and joked about a certain scene in it that he commented on and joked about bringing him a guy home... :O It would solve some things, eh?! LOL

Anyway, we got in about 4:30, no real traffic or tummy troubles (yay!) and got our room. The room with one bed. I'm such a baby, I actually brought a blanket in case I was uncomfortable on the bed... Y'know how guilt is... *blush*

I turned around almost immediately and drove back up the Cape to my aunt's house where she made me a nummy pork chop and rice/peas dinner chased by a homemade applesauce dessert! And then we sat and talked for a long time. It was good, and I don't feel the need to go into it all. Partially because I heard much I didn't want to and need time to process it, and also because I am ok bearing my own soul and foibles, but choose to keep my family in the mists if I can. Privacy ya know.

I didn't get back to P-Town until almost midnight. I missed the first show and I feel horrid about that but I needed to make that trip.

So I get back to the hotel, expecting to just drop off the rest of my stuff and race down the street to meet up with Sugar and A&M at the pizza place, but they were in the room when I got there. I mention this only because I set the tone right here and now for the rest of the weekend with one comment. I walked in with my teddy bears and guitar. When asked "what's with the bears? I said "I need them to cuddle with, unless Sugar will their place... *blush* Oh why did I say that? Oh yeah, because I was hoping desperately for that kind of human contact. I can't believe I said it in front of A&M though... Everyone laughed, and we moved past the moment and went for pizza. It rained on the way back from the parlour (not very hard) and I got to dance in the rain. We didn't go to sleep until probably 2:30am! LOL

That night I brought Mr. Bear to sleep and was sad, because I didn't have the courage to reach across the bed to her. (A little background, this wasn't an "out of the blue" thought - last summer Sugar and I shared a futon bed when we crashed at a friend's house and the whole night I wanted to hold her and told her that a couple of days later and she told me it would have been ok, that women can do that, and the she thinks it feels nice. So I came to P-Town with the idea already planted.)

The next morn we lazed about until about 8:30, and at some point she reached over and curled up behind me. Joy. I can't even describe it. It fulfilled a base need, filled a niche that had been left wanting in my life. And it was pure, untainted. What a way to start the day.

We walked about looking at the shops (but I didn't anything I liked, so I didn't buy anything) until A&M got up and out, then we wandered some more, telling people about their show and running "business errands" until a little before 2pm, when the drum workshop began.

Sugar and I, along with three other people attended a drumming workshop that A&M conducted. We started out with an African chant to the goddess of rain (I wish I could remember her name!) which was a great way to center us all. Then we learned a few rhythms, conga, fanga, and samba! and then we were told "Guess what, you're opening the show with us tonight!!" Wheee! So we practiced the samba beats for a while, then M said we should do an improv. That was life changing. Talk about feeling the music from the tips of your toes to the ends of your hair. That beat made me chant (tonal) and then by the end M had started a word chant that just blew me away... *shakes* Powerful.

We got the drums cleaned up and headed for an early dinner. We went to this South African cafe (I knew I'd be fine, they had grilled cheese on the menu!! LOL) and I decided to try a chicken and mushroom puff pastry. Mmmmmmmmmmm, the spices made it sublime!! I wanted to bring one home with me, but I couldn't figure out how to keep it cool and not make a mess... *sigh* By now it was getting cool, so we went back to the hotel to get ready for the show and put on warmer clothing! (I wanted to wear THIS shirt, but I chickened and "only" wore THIS one... :p Hey, I was having fun!) I'm glad to have switched to jeans, and equally glad to have kept a thin T-shirt on! :D

Ok, curtailing the adventure here, it's too busy/too many people around for me to keep doing this right now. It's been pretty innocuous up until here, but things definitely are going to be more difficult to (admit to) write about from here on I think. Hopefully in a little while I'll be back in my office instead of out here in the main office and will feel a bit less exposed...

p-town, road trip

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