This is from an Insight email I received. I dedicate it to you. :)
The Chariot Awaits You
Don't look back and don't await the future to look upon you.
The Chariot awaits you... Now. The Chariot is awaiting your call...Now.
Are you ready to choose Now and allow your Chariot to take you to that place which opens your heart further?
Are you ready to take the next step in allowing your wellbeing to enhance?
Are you in the present open to all possibilities?
Am I present with you as you choose to open yourself up to a whole new level?
What if I said to you right Now that I am committed to your heart expanding as you choose to awaken to the Chariot with your whole heart tickling with joy. What would you say? What are you thinking Now?
I declare that I am committed to you awakening to your true self and therefore allowing your Chariot to take you to your destination. My question to you is.... are you committed to yourself as to the God given power within you to fulfill your aspirations with a open and kind heart?
Are you willing to learn your learnings and go beyond your ego today?
This Chariot awaiting you is the presence of God, the Divine by your side loving you every step of your journey and guiding you inside and out. This Chariot called God is the easiest and fastest way to your heart's clearing. This Chariot as God, the light... will blossom all dormant energies within you when you allow. This Chariot called God, all beauty... will awaken you to your true self when you are open.
Today I invite you to stay open and connected to your Chariot and live the wonders of God in your life as pure Love and Light. Pure blessings everywhere when we open up our eyes.
Today look through the eyes of a grateful person and appreciate your Chariot for its openness to you. For you are worthy and deserving of living this life as pure Love and happiness.
And so it is. Bless You.
I love you. I love you. I love you.