Sep 14, 2008 21:00
So, there's part of my answer then, maybe. of today, my designation at DATS has been changed to Primary Member. I'll be joining Unit 4 under Touma-san, so I'd like to go ahead and say hello to my new teammates. I look forward to working with you all.
To Takato, Ruki, Shuichon, and the others... This is something I need to do for now. I think I'll do more good as an active member with DATS at the moment than just waiting for something to happen.
And Katou-san, I'm going to do just what I said about trying to look for ADR-01. If I hear anything significant, I'll let you know, okay?
So... yeah. That's basically it. I'll be moving in to Meister Castle in the next day or so.