hey people~i just finished exams!!!AHAHAHAHHAHA...XD
i am free!!!!yay!!!hahahaha....i will spend my free time continuing the "you're who?!" fic ...i'll try,that is...
hahahaha....but i'll be busy cause i have dance practise to attend to..hahahaha...XD
traditional dances~its hard...i'm still stiff.....hehehe....
anyway....guess what?~i confessted to him about my true feelings...and it sorta worked out....me and him might not be a couple YET,but i'm still glad to know that he likes me...and....he said i was the dense one =.="
haiya~~maybe i was dense but so was he!!he was giving me mix signals.....hehehehe...
anyway....please support the "you're who?!" fic if you find it interesting so i could continue it....thanks~hehehe