I have taken a nap moments ago. And I had another really weird dream. It's not about Hey! Say! JUMP but for some weird reason, Arashi Aiba and Ohno(?) were there. I know Arashi and they're okay to me. I watch VS. ARASHI when HSJ or my fave actors are the guests. I am not really fond of them but they're okay. Anyway, so yeah Aiba and Ohno were part of my dream.
In my dream, I was walking with a friend and we saw a street performance. My friend said it's Arashi. Then, she told something I can't remember. After that, we went to a store and while we were in the store. Ohno came and he was shining. Hahaha. I'm not familiar with him a lot but my friend was panicking. He said something. Suddenly, he was the one who processed our payment in the store. Then, he went overboard by checking my cc and questioned me about it. Hahahaha. I can't tell him properly because there was my brother (I don't know how he got there but my brother in my dream is a kid version of himself). Hahaha. Then, my dream jumped to another and this is the weirdest part of it. Hahaha
Aiba and I had a baby. Hahaha. I don't know how and why but yeah. We somehow live in the same roof but it seems like we don't really live together. Omg. But yeah, it's a baby girl by the way and I think she's like 2 years old. Then, I saw carrying the baby and they played. The baby did something so he had to clean up. Hahaha. While he was cleaning up, I got the baby but the baby moved around and it was so awkward. I just remembered the gaze of our eyes. Hahaha. We want to say something but we can't say it. We can't find words. Then, my dream forwarded to someone breaking into the house. He tried to get the baby but I was able to runaway and put the baby inside the trashbag. And tried to escape. I remembered Aiba fighting the person who broke in. Then, I was outside. I was asking for help. I was able to keep the baby. Then, it becomes weirder and it was kind of blurry and I woke up. Hahaha. It was indeed a really really weird dream. I don't know why Aiba and Ohnu were and to the point that I got a baby with Aiba. Hahaha.