Summer Exchange Sign-Up Post

Apr 01, 2011 17:12

The LeeGaaLee Summer Exchange

Before signing up, please remember to read the rules, located on our profile page.

To sign up, paste the following HTML into a comment and fill in your answers. And because your browed_mod forgot to post this at midnight, sign-ups will remain open until 5PM PST on the 16th of May. Assignments will be due 1st August at midnight PST.

Name/LJ Account:
Email address:
Artist or writer?:
Prompts (list three in order of preference):
Preferred rating to read/write:
Are you willing to pinch-hit?:
Do you need help finding a beta?:
Are you willing to be a beta if needed?:
Anything else (things you can't write, favorite kind of cookie, etc):

Scrollbox Code

Please direct all questions to browed_mod or browless_mod , or email us at leegaa[dot]exchange[at]gmail[dot]com.

info: sign-up

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