Sep 07, 2004 02:11
Hey... yeah... Heidi's over and she said I never post anymore cause we were looking at everyones LJ so I was like hey I'll go post for the heck of it...
Hurricanes suck... and guess what guys... we may have another one coming... I had it better than you guys did... atleast for Heidi and Sabri cause I know you two lost water and I didn't.. dunno about Erin I didn't talk to her all day today or yesterday...
I'm listening... toooooooooooooooooooooooo.... *drumroll* INCUBUS... :D ok... so yeah... I'm stupid... why you ask... because -I- said so.... yeah... I'm bored... I want to fade into the music and... disappear...
why can't I do that... I want to... I want to fade into the like.... peaceful sounds... odd yes Incubus isn't the -most- peaceful stuff in the world... but right now.. it is...
you know... music can really affect your mood... it always does mine.... I can get really happy if the music is good and I like it and I'm not sad... but if I'm sad... and the music is sad... I get even sadder... or occasionally if the music is happy and I'm sad... I get like... mad I guess you could say because I want what they say but I don't have it... yeah... I like music... if only I could sing I'd be like happier... I have no talent for anything... I'm an idiot when it comes to real life... in school I excel but who gives... unless I become a historian and face daily choices with that what the hell am I going to do with history of ancient China...
you know.. China has a very interesting culture.. as does Japan. Their stories and stuff are awesome... I want to travel all around the world just to see the culture and stuff that made the country... yeah... I'm sick of my life... it's too.. boring but I'm too afriad to change it and step out of this damn box I live in... too scared... too shy... someone help me... I need someone to pull me out... I don't want to let my life pass me by... highschool is supposed to be fun yes? Well right now.. it's not... I know I know I've only been in highschool for like a month but so what.. sometimes I wake up and I feel like going back to GRMS would feel normal again.. like it feels so familiar.. but already I'm used to Pedro.. atleast my body is... my feet carry me from class to class without a thought... that scares me at times it's like I'm off in my own world and I'm just there at my class without even thinking about it...
I wish I could do something... paint... draw.. sign... write... but I'm bad at them all... *sigh* I feel so insignificant.... in this world where I'm unknown... in a school I'm unknown... hell I'm not even known in my classes except by a few... I'll make friends.. one day.... I'll pray for help to over come my shyness.... I pray for all of you guys... every night... ok... yeah.. I'm sure you've all heard enough out of me for tonight so I'll go... I'll try to post more often though I don't seem to have too much to say...
...I want to just fade into the music and be happy....