Mar 05, 2006 22:12
at chrissies place, its sort of a cross between mem drive and bond street. it suits her well.
me and ross are getting on a ship at 3am, we're off to be pirates on the mighty cook staight. YARR!
after picton, motueka should be the next port of call, then over the moutain into golden bay. we will be at happy vally by full moon. dont know what difference we can make there at this stage. but the others there will be happy for more people to help save it. for theose who dont know, happy vally is just out of west port, pristine forest, kiwi, and other endangered species. solid energy is going to come in and put a open cast coal mine though the whole place. but they cant start while we are there in the bush.
wellington is pretty good, for a city. cant wait to find a place to live here though, got lots of ppl to live with but no house yet. Rainbow was utterly magic. i feel like i left my soul there. makes it hard to be here.