Nov 14, 2007 22:56
I really really don't want to be at work right now. I've been here for 4 hours, and I have 2 more left. Currently on break wasting time on the computer.
I won some ebay auctions. I don't think I've used ebay in about 2 years. Though I noticed the first time I bought something off of ebay was 2002. Wow. It's super secret, because it has to do with SUPER SECRET ART PROJECT that I'm sure would fall to pieces if I talked about it.
Speaking of art, I didn't go to the Student Union meeting today. Boo on me.
I had a critique today though. Someone likened my work to Murakami, even though he didn't know that I was completely obsessed with Murakami. So yay me.
Hmm. That's about all I can waste time on.
And this Chai Smoothie rules.