matsuri041 Originally uploaded by
LeeChan. Behold! I bring you many photos from the Ninja Bitches Photo Shoot, Matsuricon Edition. This is how I basically spent my Saturday afternoon.
Visit the
ninja_bitches and see who is involved with what, and hopefully there will be a website soon. I'm a member, but only because I take pictures, and promise to do a costume someday.
spaceghostrulz goes against
nellanells powerful leg kick!
That's okay, because
nellanell is just a lush at heart.
She drank too much sake, and passed out in the grass!
School's in session!
islington has a question.
Everyone seems perplexed by her question.
"Why yes,
islington" proclaimed
nellanell, "These are what boobs look like"
Maybe when you're older, girls.
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