Website update and giveaway

Jul 30, 2010 20:33

I've been hard at work this week on a pretty thorough-going update to my author website. I'd neglected it during the regular semester, and so have taken advantage of summertime and a lighter teaching load to add:
  • a slew of stories published in the last several months
  • some nifty background anecdotes about some of the stories
  • new links and functionality
Check it all out by clicking on the banner below. I'd love to hear reactions and if you've spotted any bloopers.

To celebrate actually ticking something off my summer do-list, I'm offering free hard copies of two of my stories. These are little chapbook-style thingies I did up for RI Pride last month but sadly forgot to pack in the car, so they need good homes. The first 25 people who email me through the website AND share a snail mail addy will receive a copy of one of the stories.  Yes, I'll mail to international addresses. No, you don't get to pick which story you get. Yes, you must be 18 or over to participate. No, I won't ever use your address for anything else, like putting you on a mailing list or stalking you. Promise.


contests, promotion

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