As a younger person, I adored old-fashioned adventure yarns in which a callow young protagonist falls into great peril and, in getting out again, learns that the familiar world is more complicated -- and his role in it weightier -- than he ever imagined. I know now that these are classic Hero’s Journeys, and that they’re really difficult for a writer to pull off.
Imagine my delight, then, when I found in
Lauren P. Burka’s
WISHBONE just such a tale. Dockside hustler Wishbone is plucky without being twee, and cocky without being arrogant, and I loved him within the first few pages. The demonic shih-aan client who hires Wishbone is sinister and cleverer than anyone Wishbone has ever encountered. The path they tread together rings with culture clashes, sways under historical freight, and careens nearer and nearer toward a war Wishbone’s people cannot hope to win.
As if all that weren’t enough to keep me in devour-this-book mode, there’s a finely honed edge to the sexual dynamic between Wishbone and his shih-aan Sir that pressed all my buttons. Add crisp prose, consistent characterization, purposeful dialogue, and a deft hand in action sequences, and
WISHBONE sums up to a very satisfying read indeed.
In other news, I've spent many hours this weekend updating my
GLBT Bookshelf presence with new pages, updated links, and new excerpts! Have a look; I'd value feedback!