longgg holiday in s'pore! *band* *outing* *outing*

Jan 24, 2011 23:05

Ahhhh internet is considered quite good :) Nowadays I will be delighted when I see 'google' pop up after I log in sigh.

Yesterday we had m'sian scholars batch outing went to bukit batok to bowl hahaha. Joined them late and we played pool, something I CAN'T PLAY haha but it was fun lah. Reminded me of my sec 1 days, sigh I was so childish tsk tsk.

Yay then today we had band batch outing! It was funnnn haha except that I can't bowl hence a lot of embarrassing moments HAHA 0 4 4 4 ...... We went to... er wait IMM? for lunch (omg memory failing) OH the sky garden where we were banned from almost every inch of the land haha. Joy and bryan went to buy a PINK ball from daiso. Okay I can't remember what happened but we ended up in some sheltered place and we started playing ball. I remember getting tired haha and buying a drink. AIYA I GIVE UP CANNOT REMEMBER LAH. We just talked a lot AHH we played contact and everyone found out that I'm a *~ninja stalker~* so I'm not a ninja anymore ):

Haha btw jeremy tsk tsk you stalker also! At least I didn't try to search for your blog or something!

Anyway dinner was epic lala didn't eat again blablabla this is so boring I am falling asleep typing this ._. Haha but I think our batch very cute (: It's nice that we are all getting to know each other hahah like we belong to a group. Yay I like my batch!

Oh yah update about our room. Haha not that bad lah not much troubles. And I am enjoying my 10.30pm curfew a lot! OKAY I WILL REMEMBER NOT TO GO OUT FOR DINNER ON WEDNESDAY. Siannnn dialogue session ._.
O: Orientation starting in 4 days!
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