Well it's thursday. That means that today, thanks to no early morning meetings, I was able to sleep in a little bit (8:30 am). I can't seem to sleep any later than that. Prepare yourselves my fine feathered friends...this may not be the most "upbeat" entry this morning.
Daniel and I got in a nice little "arguement" last night which is always a
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but..........try to have some fun. meet some friends, develop a unit of people that are (at least mostly) consistant and around if you need them. i don't know what i would have done without my friends here during the whole break up bullshit. they saved me. friends are super important.
it's strange how when i say 'friends' i don't just mean people your age to go out to the bar with. i mean REAL friends. like this lady i caregive for, Ann - she is 80 years old and once a week we hang out for 3 hours and i take her out to run errands for about and hour and then we chit chat for the other 2 hours i am there. she tells me about her life and i do the same. we borrow books to each other, help each other with groceries and little things, drink tea and just enjoy being around each other. granted i am getting paid to be there, but i would DEFINATELY go even if i wasn't being paid. i am so happy to have met her and to be apart of her life. she is, most definately, my friend. THAT type of friendship is what you need out there. don't look too hard for people but stay very openminded out all types of people - the best ones come around when you least expect it.
wow...sorry, long comment ;)
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