EXAMS ARE OVER !!! *throws confetti*
I guess I will success to second year. I never felt once I failed something -methodology excluded, and finally didn't go to history, but anyway it was optional- So i'm pretty confident. Now I have to wait until June to know precisely...
Sooooo as you guess I procrastinated like whoa thursday.
That's a lie.
I couldn't help but waking up at 7 and half, and going out to bed at 8 -__-
Watched dramas... and then !!!
pihengnyeo pihengnyeo pihengnyeo pihengnyeo pihengnyeo pihengnyeo pihengnyeo pihengnyeo pihengnyeo pihengnyeopihengnyeo pihengnyeo pihengnyeo pihengnyeo pihengnyeo My summer trip gazette is opened. And yeah don't go to
hana_ji because I decided it would be my test journal. Maggie I already deleted you from it anyway.
I made the layout almost myself.
*PROUD whereas she shouldn't.*
Ok, I admit. I just modified a very little a layout code by
premade_ljs. And graphics taken in the now-dead-don't-rest-in-peace Kim Jaejoong fansite Heroshock. (Which took the pic from somewhere else I can't credit because now the site is down completely and I didn't had the time to save them. And which for your information has been closed by Jaejoong himself because of rabbid fangirls insulting other TVXQ! members for getting Jaejoong into troubles -which was absolutely fake, obviously-.) So I guess I can just take the graphics with a little credit, ne ? It's not like I would use them for selling purposes or a very famous webplace anyway >.>
But anyway I'm proud. Finally I can do something with LJ. Ok, it's still not finished completely (have to make the sidebar, the profile and a post about entries access) but well. And there is some access restrictions, but anyway, most of you aren't concerned so you can already join, for only watch it if you aren't interested in fangirls experiences posts.
What's next, photoshop ? XD
Had two crisis this weekend. This time I ended burning my eyes because of tears and make-up. Seems I have them only when my mother's around. She said I was mad, that I should go to asylum. She also implied I was doing them on purpose to humiliate her. That I was a depressive and helpless capricious girl.
I didn't sleep at all because of coldness, weather was mad, I was the only child of my age and and I was locked in a big place in the middle of nowhere for two days. Everybody was ignoring me since the beginning. They even forgot to give me a bed.
I will not go to any family reunion anymore. Now they saw the truth in action they hate me anyway.
This post is made of win. OHSEXYBABYKJJILU.