An Ordinary Day (Battlestar Galactica, Lee/Kara, Original, #4)

Nov 07, 2008 07:59

Title: An Ordinary Day
Author/Artist: Lee and Kara Kiss
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Lee Adama and Kara Thrace
Theme: #4 our distance and that person
Rating: G
Disclaimer: They're not mine but Ron said we could play with them.
Author's note: Spoilers for Sacrifice

It had started as an ordinary day, well no it hadn't. On what ordinary day was he be leaving for a two day rotation on Cloud Nine and since when was he bringing Anastasia Dualla with him?

Then it all went downhill from there. Ellen was at the bar when he went for drinks. He managed to extricate himself from that one without damage to her ego, as if it could be damaged, or his person, that was more debatable.

It apparently didn't go so well for Billy and he guessed Dee hadn't stepped away from that awkward moment unscathed either. At first those two seemed like they had been made for each other. He had no idea why she had turned to him instead.

Then he caught sight of the gun and it was Ellen he made an offer too. He didn't even want to dwell on how Dee would have reacted to that proposal. He wasn't all that thrilled at how Ellen reacted either. He was looking for a way to trip an alarm. She, even after he made the score clear, continued to look for another score, and once again his body was the primary target. Being around Ellen was like stumbling into a brier patch in the nude at night. The less said about the experience the better.

He tried to make a play but he was in way over his head when they threatened Dee. The terrorist told him she didn't think he had it in him and she was right. It's something that will change about him later but he doesn't know it yet. At that point all he'd accomplished was embarrassing himself, and making himself more valuable as a hostage.

Kara appeared in the guise of a repairman for the fake fault he'd caused to the oxygen sensor. Despite her hubris Ellen failed at keeping a poker face and all of a sudden there were bullets everywhere. The day then got as far from ordinary for him as he'd had in a long time with a searing pain under his right shoulder and as he went down his eyes fixed on Kara and two guns still pointed in his direction. He vaguely heard Dee calling for Billy. He didn't remember much after that except maybe his father calling his name and Dee calling for Billy again.

He came barely awake several times and had vague memories of Kara being with him and the brush of her lips on his forehead and cheek. When he finally came fully awake it was quiet all around him. He moved carefully and was rewarded with minimal pain but he thought the better of trying to move any further. There was someone sitting in the chair near his head but he wasn't able to turn far enough to see who it was. The voice surprised him though, even though he was sure Kara had been there, it was Dee he expected. He was still a bit spaced out on the pain killers and he regretted the words as soon as they were out of his mouth. "Where's Dee?" The quiet that followed chilled him and he barely managed to follow the question up with "Never mind."

"No that's ok, you have a right to know. Billy died, she fell apart. She's a few beds over. Cottle's got her heavily sedated." He closed his eyes. Dee didn't deserve that. It had been all him. He'd blown things badly and gotten himself and Billy shot.

"My fault."

"What!" Her voice was an incredulous, startled roar. "You didn't do anything wrong, it was me. I shot you, you weren't there to protect Dee, Billy got shot protecting Dee. It was my fault!" If this hadn't all been so serious he would have burst out laughing. Here they were, each blamed themself and neither had any chance of convincing the other they were wrong. What neither had the capability of seeing was that they were both wrong. The fault lay with the terrorists.

The room got very quiet after that. They sat there in the silence for quite a while until he heard the chair move. She set it facing the bed and sat back down placing her forearms flat along the mattress. "It doesn't matter whose fault it was, what matters is that you get well. She needs you now. But while she's out of it that means you get me and I have every intention of putting you through the wringer. Payback, as they say oh Mr. CAG, is a bitch."

'Yeah,' he reflected, 'it was an ordinary day.'

30 kisses

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