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damao2010 February 7 2012, 18:55:51 UTC
I think Bill was right in the sense that everybody always have a side and neutrality doesn't really exist. However, Bill seemed to be stuck in a black or white dichotomy - my side versus her side. That's very manichaen position to defend.

What I like about Lee's position is that he doesn't buy into this sort of simplistic division. First and foremost they are supposed to be on the same side (humanity's side). Besides, by not siding 100% with neither of them really, he shows that the range of choice available is wider. There's a lot of middle ground in between and that to agree with one side on an issue doesn't have to put you automatically on the "other" side. I think that showed he was his own man very early on and it's one of the characteristics that would make him a good politician.

It's curious that despite putting himself in such a clear oposition to the president here (my side or her side) he later on joined sides with her while Lee continue to disagree with both of them.

I think the military might have a tendency to see conflict like that and that might be a reason for Adama's position here since Laura doesn't really seem to see things the same way. Lee was too much of a free thinker to be the ideal military.


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