Mar 07, 2008 20:14
The Prey
Wreath Of Barbs...
It's amazing how some of the biggest Non-christians I know have an ardent enthusiasm for god.
Makes me wonder "what is in the psyche of an Abused person?". "God" has shit on so many people, and collectively humanity, that he should be held in the same esteem as the most heinous of war criminals. Why keep defending someone that will CONTINUE to shit on you, without cease, as long as they are around?
Everything that can go wrong is totally enveloped according to his followers, as part of his greater plan.
If several of my friends in the U.S. Army and the United States Marine Corps died to serve some plan that a half-assed Deity with NO GENUINE INTEREST IN HUMANITY had to enact...then he's not as benevolent and merciful and loving as he'd like us to believe. Sounds like a sadistic fuck with a penchant for the suffering of others.
I've seen his followers get stricken blind in their most Holy, and the horrid human get HEALTHIER. Where's the justice in that, sky wizard? Not to mention, the worst person EVER will not see their DESERVED punishment as long as they give themselves to you. They can rape, kill, deal in poison, maim and act like an animal, and just be "let off the hook" by feigning a supernatural change and internally believing it. They can repeat these actions, and continuously be forgiven by just "asking"? NO JUSTICE IN THAT, FUCKER. Sounds like the "love for all Humanity" takes a backseat to Favoritism and Nepotism.
Not the mention the sheer COWARDICE of sending your kid to do YOUR dirty work, "god". Sens him off to get killed, instead of getting the gonads out of your purse and doing it yourself. Yeah, that "Trinity" thing is shit, as well. Explaining yourself through an Intellectual Embolism. Supernatural Quantum Theory thought up by a dead goldfish with Down Syndrome. Make three of yourself, so you can distance yourself by having two screens to filter the "faithful" through. Not a lot of Love for them there.
What about Love? "god" speaks of Love, but how many lovers are frowned upon by the church because they are the same sex, a different race, or even SLIGHTLY different beliefs?! Same sex married couples can abuse each other, kill each other, lie to each other, HATE each other, and still their "union" is looked upon as right in the eyes of "god". While the couple that is primed, prepared, and totally committed to each other for the long run is frowned upon for one of the aforementioned reasons.
How many millions were killed in his name? The Crusades (all of them), the Holocaust (look it up, Hitler was a Christian), The Salem Witch Trials.....need I go on?
And this HELL in the world do you expect to have people love and respect you if you promise to send them to a foul and detached place for Eternal Suffering when they do what they are naturally designed to do...make mistakes? Plus, with your "perfect" nature, you can't let anyone slide, so even if you wanted to, you would have to send the good, noble, kind, loving, considerate, generous, non-christian person to Hell. They have to suffer for eternity because they didn't give themselves to you.
Their whole life. Spent in devotion to someone who can't even be bothered to talk to them directly. Their life completely over, they are stuck in eternity with the same asshole that was barking orders through a glorified Country Club called a "religion", the reward for such servitude is being in his presence. "You being here...that's the prize. me. Me. ME."
Sounds like a Terrorist to me.
The Worst One of ALL.
The military should spend it's time fighting "god" and working to free America from that.
Every other religion should declare war on "god" and free the "believers" from their prison.
If I have to begin this war, I WILL.
-St. Tragedy