Wow.. I am boredd!! So heres A FEW surveys =/..lmaoo
I can't wait till tonight!! =)
Starting Time: 4:46
: You :
i G0 BY: Alysha or Lysha
Age: 15
BiRTHDAY: June 1st
Hair Color: bLonDee
Eye Color: bLueE
Contacts / Glasses: contacts..
Height: 5'10
Favorite Saying: sweeeet
Habits: bitting my nails
Fears: bugs, guns, and the dark
Likes: funny stuff.. and my friends =)
Dislikes: mean people..
: SCHooL :
Where do you go to school: Warren Mott High
Do you like it: yessir
What is your favorite subject: English.. for some odd reason
What is your least favorite subject: science!! =x
Who is your favorite teacher: um..Mr.Yasso
Who is your least favorite teacher: uh.. Mr.Kay
What are your school colors: marroon and gold
What is your school mascott: marauders
Are you in any extracurricular activities at your school: volleyball and softball
: LoVe LiFe :
Do you have a boyfriend: nope
Do you have a girlfriend: lol no
If so, what is there name: ...
If so, how long has it been: ...
If not, are you crushing: ehh..
If so, on who: ..forget that
Have you ever been dumped: yea..
Have you ever dumped someone: yupp
: FaVoRiTeS :
fruit: watermelon
vegetable: carrots
snack: barbeque chips
dessert: icecreammm
breakfast: pancakes =)
lunch: idc..
dinner: steakkk
song: Sugar, We're Going Down
band: Fall Out Boy
singer: Jessica Simpson
actor: Chad Michael Murrey
actress: Julia Styles
movie: The Notebook ..or Mean Girls
tv show: Laguna Beach and Real World =D
month: June =)
day: 1st ;)
number: 9
friend(s): all of them!! =)
moment: lmaoo last night when Nick got gum on his shirtt..haha
: FRieNDS :
best: Leann
craziest: Tiffany
weirdest: Katelyn
funniest: Katie,,
loudest: Katie
shyest: none of s
martest: Katie
prettiest: all of them are BEAUTIFUL!! =)
blondest: i dont know..we all have our moments!
known the longest: Devon =)
have the best times with: Leann and Katie
: THiS oR THaT :
Pepsi - Coke: Coke
Cursive - Print: Print
Email - Instant Message: IM
Simple Plan - Good Charolette: Good Charolette
Green Day - My Chemical Romance: My Chemical Romance =)
Coffee - Tea: Tea..
Winter - Summer: winterrr
Fall - Spring: fall
Shorts - Skirts: shortss
Sweaters - Tshirts: t-shirts
Pink - Red: PINK!! =)
Mexican Food - okay?
Action - Comedy: comedyy
Sandals - Gym Shoes: sandalss fo sho
Pens - Pencils: penss
Black - Blue: blue!
Sugar - Spice: sugar! ;) :
sound: my mom talking to
instant message: leann
thought: i gotta do my hair wish: ehh?
dream: none..
chat with: ..
taste: Mountain Dew
smell: my taco bell =)
clothes: shorts and t-shirt
: LaST TiMe You :
yelled: this morning ;-)
talked: like 2.2 seconds
were happy: right now
were nervous: umm..i dont know
were scared: i aint neva scurred ;) yeah right..last night for leann
showered: this morning
ate: 2.2 seconds ago
cleaned: wow..awhile ago lol
: HoW MaNy :
teachers: 6
screen names: 1
friends: 6989343 =)
pets: 1 dog..a few fish
livejournals: 1
1. Your name spelled backwards: Ahsyla
2. Where were your parents born? Dad - Jamaca, Mom - Michigan
3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? i upgraded AIM
4. What's your favorite restaurant? Olive Garden
5. When was the last time you swam in a pool? awhile ago..
6. Have you ever been in a school play? nopee.. I get stage fright
7. How many kids do you want? 3
8. Type of music you dislike most? Operas..=x
9. Are you registered to vote? uhh no
10. Do you have a car? not yet..=)
11. Have you ever ridden on a moped? nope..
12. Ever prank call anybody? lol yeahh
13. Ever got a parking ticket? i cant drive yet..
14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? YES and YES
15. Furthest place you ever traveled?
16. Do you have a garden? i think my mom does..
17. What's the size of your bed? twin..=/
18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? YES I DO! =)
19. Bath or Shower, morning or night? Shower.. morning..
20. Best movie you've seen in the past 4 months? House of Wax
21. What's the next movie you want to see? The Skelton Key
22. Chips or popcorn? pOpcOrn
23. Have you ever broken any hearts? i dont know..sorry if i did
24. Premarital affairs? huh?
25. Are you a good cook? lmfaoo noo
26. Orange or Apple juice? orange fo shO!!
27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with & where did you go to? My family..someplace in downtown Royal Oak
28. Favorite type of drink? Sherly Temple =)
29. Best thing in the world? Electricity
30. Have you ever broken a bone? nope (knock on wood)
31. Have you ever won a trophy? hell yeahhh
32. What is your favorite board game? Life or Clue
33. What is your dream car? Grand Dam ( i know not much but i love that car)
34. Ever order an article from an infomercial? nopee
35. Coke or Pepsi? cokee
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? i havent worked yet..
37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? i dont remember..
38. Who are you going to marry? Chad Michael Murrey =D (a girl can dream right?)
39. Who would you like to meet? Chad Michael Murrey and Jessica Simpson
40. Do you believe in love at first sight? yes i doo!
41. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? Eyes..
42. Where would you go for a romantic evening? i dont know..some place funn!
43. How many pairs of shoes do you own? like 15 or 20
44. Last song stuck in your head? Welcome To My Life -- Simple Plan
45. Any pets? 1 dog and a few fish
46. What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character? Will Farrel (sp?)
47. What is one thing you would like to learn to do? play piano..
48. What do you do when you are bored? surveys =)
49. What is one thing you would want someone to appreciate about you? uh..idk?
50. What is one thing you are grateful for today? my daddy buying my TACO BELL!! =)
> 1) Single or Taken: single bitchess
> 2) Height: 5'10
> 3) Sign: GeMiNi
> 4) Siblings: 1 brother..
> 5) Hair color: bLonDee
> 6) Eye color: bLuE
> 7) Shoe size: 9
> 8) Full name: Alysha Marie Wilamowski
*-;-* R e l a t i o n s h i p s~*
> 1) Who are your best friends: Leann - Katie - Devon - Tiffany
> 2)Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: nopee
> 3) Did you send this to your crush: no?
> 4) Did your crush send this to you?: no?
> 5) Name the last person you went out with before now?: comment
> 6) Are you still with them?: nope..
> 7) If not, why did you break up?: well we were never techinically together..
> 8) How long has it been since you've been together?: a few months
> 9) Who are you with now?: no one..
;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-*
> 1) Do you do drugs: nopee!
> 2) What kind of shampoo do you use: Herbal Essances..
> 3) What kind of conditioner do you use: Herbal Essances..
> 4) What are you most scared of: bugs, guns, the dark
> 5) What are you listening to right now?: Holler Back Girlllll <3
> 6) What car do you wish to have: grand dam ..
> 7) Who is the last person that called you: Leann =)
> 8) Where do you want to get married: in a church?
x. Three things you are often complimented for: hair, eyes, butt
x. A compliment you got that made you blush: all of them..
x. Makes you happy: all of them..
x. Upsets you: none =)
L a s t . . .
x. Movie you rented: Cellular
x. Movie you bought: The Notebook
x. Song you listened to: Concrete Angel
x. Song you've downloaded: um..
x. CD you bought: um..
x. CD you listened to: Fall Out Boy
x. TV show you've watched: Fairly Odd Parents
x. Person you were thinking of: ...wouldnt you like to know ;-)
D o . . .
x. You wish you could live somewhere else: sometimes
x. Others find you attractive: sometimes..
x. You want more piercings: yeahhh
x. You smoke: nope
x. You like cleaning: when im bored
x. You like roller coasters: little ones =)
x. You write in cursive or print: a slurred print lol
x. You carry a donor card: nope
x. You have a crush on somebody: ehh?
H a v e Y o u. . .
x. Ever cried over a boy/girl: yes
x. Ever lied to someone: yes
x. Ever been arrested: nopee
W h a t . . .
x. Clothes are you wearing: shorts and a t-shirt
x. Shoes do you wear: flip-flops..
x. Are you scared of: bugs..guns..the dark
N u m b e r . . .
x. Of times you have been in love: 0..=/
x. Of times you have had ur heart broken: idk..
x. Of hearts you have broken: ..?
x. Of guys/girls you have kissed: a feww
x. Of people you consider you're enemies: 2 =)
x. Of CDs' that you own: a
x. Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: once =)
W i t h T h e O p p o s i t e S e x . . .
x. What do you notice first: their eyes ..
x. Last person you danced with: i dont know lol
W h o . . .
x. Makes you laugh the most: Leann and Katie
x. Makes you smile: a lot of ppl
x. Do you have a crush on: ...wouldnt you like to know!!