Hot asian chicks, long days, and other such stuff

Apr 15, 2007 01:47

So, tonight was the Mari Iijima concert at Tekkoshocon.  For what it's worth, I had the best seat in the house.  The tech staff worked really hard to make this show a success, and they delivered.  if you see Jim, Nathan, Bryan, Yvonne, Casey or Brandon, thank them for their help.  We sounded great and looked really good.  Not only that, but if you haven't ever seen Mari, she's one of those beautiful asian women who never age.  If I weren't with amy...

In other news, crikey am I tired.  After a bit of mental math, and a couple of long days, I am ready to consider my tenure as Director of Publicity a success.  Another 24 hours and it will be either confirmed or denied.  I haven't mentioned it yet, but if you see Whitney (DJ Saber) or Ben Lawrence (Benji Law) from UCAL radio around the convention thank them for the wonderful work they did on the radio drops.  If you haven't heard them, you can check them out at the bottom of the page here.

At this point, I'm just about running empty.  Still, I'm having a heck of a time, regardless of having to do a little work.
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