i find it kinda funny, i find it kinda sad...

Nov 20, 2004 15:54

ohhh we're on vacation :) wahoo. yesterday was teh last day of school. i got attacked by my classes but that's okay because now we have 10 beautiful and wonderful days off with nothign to do but sleep and eat and have tons of crazy fun. :)this is going to be a good vacation. yesterday after school ev's majah picked us all up (me, ev, rach, meg and marg) and drove us into teh prudential/copley. went to CPK (soo good!) and sephora. i got an amazing perfume that smells like an orange cremesicle, and some eyeliner and amaaazing lip gloss. then we chilled in teh food court and had donuts and ben and jerrys. took the T home. that was a disaster. sooo many sketchy situations haha. then chilled and talked and ate and watched the OC. thsi mornning went into harv sq and this harvard student thought we went to harv so he asked me to fill out a survey. it was funny. chilledf in harv sq then my fajah picked me up and now i'm here. today is sam's 16th birthday! my brother got an electric guitar and i can already tell i'm going to have millions of headaches.
things are already getting busy for vaca and i'm a little upset because all i want to do is sleep. but that's okay.
and now i have to go clean...
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