We're at #1. Woohoo. Can only hope that we'll still be there next week, what with Russell Watson with that Kirsty, and the PopStar Rivals whatever bands.
I love being on tour. Granted, the guys relly annoy me until half an hour before the gig, when I get really hyper. I love performing. It's hilarious when you read the signs people wave around - only the first few rows are visible, but funny all the same. Especially the Manchester crowd, they're mad. Birthplace of Man U, understandable. Birmingham are interesting too. Have yet to see what Wembley have to offer. Oh Lord.
Adam was here on Saturday, Sunday and left yesterday morning. It's been alright having him around, don't get me wrong (he's a great guy, good to talk to) but I can sense tension. I'm probably imagining it and those two will live happily ever after. They deserve it anyway.
One can't help but feel jealous that one's own love life is crap. One won't refuse offers from Holly Valance or Caprice. One would like that. This icon is for them. Ahem. So anyways, we're going to see Rent the day after our last night, if all goes well. Don't usually watch plays, but I'm looking forward to this one.
Christmas is getting closer. Friends and family are wrapped, done and duste. The only people I haven't finished buying for are the band. You think I'd know what to get them by now, but I'm clueless this year. Suggestions on a postcard to the usual address.
heaton, the gorgeous one from Liberty X.
Thankage: Cheers to Dunk and Adam for the beeyootiful icons. I'll shell out for a paid account soon so I can fit them all in.