this election really IS life or death for tens of thousands of americans...

Jul 30, 2012 22:50

reposted from Gehayi:

I'm reposting a message from [personal profile] icarusancalion--partly because I feel sympathy for her friend and partly because I'm in the same boat. If not for the lymphatic pump that keeps me walking, the Medicare and Social Security Disability, I would be dead. And if they get cut, I will be dead. That's not hyperbole. It's a fact.

So please. For the love of anything you consider good and holy. LISTEN.


[personal profile] icarusancalion speaks:

A plea from my friend Andrea Schnitzer. We've known each other since fourth grade.

Andrea married a charming devil who cheated on her their entire marriage. Finally, he left her and their two kids. He's $65,000 dollars behind in child support. So far behind that he was arrested last year. He's avoided paying by refusing to get a job and living off another woman (a doctor). The doctor lady appears to be paying the court-ordered $200 a month child support. Andrea's been forced to move in with her mother.

Last year Andrea was diagnosed with stage four cancer, at the age of 42. She says:

"Please vote for Obama. because if Romey wins I firmly believe that I will lose Medicaid under him and that is just condemning me to death. I already have a potential death sentence on me (stage 4 colon cancer - metasized to my liver). Medicaid is keeping me alive and mostly out of debt."

She is correct. Romney does plan to cut her health care.

- Romney promises to cut Medicaid.

A source of links on Romney-economics:
Romney budget to cut Social Security and Medicare
- Romney's budget would gut Medicare, Medicaid and assistance programs.


Okay. This is Gehayi again, with a quote from the second article.

For the most part, Governor Romney has not outlined cuts in specific programs. But if policymakers exempted Social Security from the cuts, as Romney has suggested, and cut Medicare, Medicaid, and all other entitlement and discretionary programs by the same percentage - to meet Romney’s spending cap, defense spending target, and balanced budget requirement - then non-defense programs other than Social Security would have to be cut 29 percent in 2016 and 59 percent in 2022. Without the balanced budget requirement, the cuts would be smaller but still massive, reaching 40 percent in 2022.

The cuts that would be required under the Romney budget proposals in programs such as veterans’ disability compensation, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for poor elderly and disabled individuals, SNAP (formerly food stamps), and child nutrition programs would move millions of households below the poverty line or drive them deeper into poverty. The cuts in Medicare and Medicaid would make health insurance unaffordable (or unavailable) to tens of millions of people.

The cuts to non-defense discretionary programs (education, law enforcement, veterans' health, health research) would come on top of the cuts already put in place by the Budget Control Act.

He's planning on going after the poor, the sick, the disabled, children, old people and veterans--the ones who are already struggling and fighting to keep from drowning in this economy.

But defense spending? Not a single cut. In fact, Romney has pledged to BOOST that.

*glances at Andrea and at her friends who need health care, and then thinks of her own dubious future and shivers* Three guesses as to where he's planning on getting THAT money.

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