Just an item from an interview with Preeya from Joseph on the Whats On Stage website....(sorry, I''ve lost the link....how very untechie of me!)
There were only two questions relating to Lee anyway and I have copied these below:-
Did you watch Any Dream Will Do? What did you think? And how has it been working with
Lee Mead now, especially with the press attention focused on him following the TV show’s success?
Yes, of course I watched it. I was offered the role before the television series started so I was watching with a very keen eye! Lee, I think, stood out from the beginning and I am very pleased he got it - he really deserved to win. Working with him is great. He gets a lot of press attention, but that’s created a great deal of interest in the show.
What’s the oddest/funniest/most notable thing that’s happened in performances to date?
Probably when Lee was doing his Prince of Egypt scene and the crew were chucking the corn through the pipe hole because there was some sort of technical fault. One of the pieces of corn hit Lee in the groin - so that was giggle.
Poor Lee...... *wonders if he wants me to rub it better?*