Nov 01, 2006 23:55
I'm not sure what appalls me more:
The fact that Kerry had the nerve to be so absurd in speaking that way...
or the fact that YOUR president has the nerve to turn it into a political issue.
I think it's the latter.
Sure, it was wrong of Kerry to say what he did. I cringed when I heard the words. But Bush going and making it a partisan conflict was absolutely no better. I don't really believe that he even cares that Kerry's comments offended millions of members of the military, their families and the American public. I just believe that he's capitalizing on someone else's mistakes to make himself and his party look more appealing. Unfortunately, if his stupidity hadn't gotten us into this war in the first place, we wouldn't be talking about this. Oh wait, it goes back further than that - from when his brother slid him into office those long six years ago. Shame on you, Dubya, for turning this into politics - you really are a dirty politician after all.
And maybe it's just me, but I'm really getting tired of that "Democrats are soft on terrorists" bullshit. Once again, YOUR president has said that if Democrats win and take control of Congress, then America loses. Correct me if I'm wrong...but I'm an American, born and raised - just as American as you are, bitch. There is no denying, or better yet, disputing, that I am just as much dedicated to protecting my country, my fellow citizens, and my American values as you are. The fact that I don't agree with violating others' rights to do that just makes me different from you -different, yes, but no less American.