The Hole In My Back Parking Lot Keeps Getting Deeper, and They Still Keep Digging

Aug 12, 2013 12:19

crossposted from Lee Edward McIlmoyle's blog
That’s not a song lyric. That’s an actual fact. I’m about to attempt to get some work done while a construction crew continues to excavate the parking lot just outside my living room window. It’s quite a sight. Check this out:

As you can see, the hole is immense. This starts right underneath my window and goes down about fifteen feet. It’s pretty impressive, in a war-torn sort of way.

Of course, rain and ground water are starting to seep up, which is part of the reason they’re doing the excavation in the first place. Contaminated ground water has been found, so the whole structure of our back parking lot had to be torn up and replaced. Of course, it seems they are taking longer than folks were notified, but I’ve forgotten what the cut off date is, so who knows?

So that’s what I’m working against. I think the boys are on lunch break right now, so things are relatively quiet, save for my computer and the AC, which I’m going to turn off shortly.

I have the latest Anthony Phillips CD [Private Parts & Pieces XI: City of Dreams] playing in the background. It’s actually much better than I’d thought it would be, but it’s very mellow, given that it’s largely short synthesizer instrumentals, with a bit of electric guitar thrown in for flavour. Some very nice compositions, but they’re all bits and bobs, like his library music. This is probably why I put off getting the album as long as I have. I’ve loved most of his work, but his purely synth instrumental albums have been the least interesting for me. I always  feel like there should be one major composition of all of these parts, and not just a seemingly random assemblage of vignettes, but then, a lot of Ant’s output is like this, and I like that quite well. It’s just the synth aspect, which is hit and miss with me. Synth pad washes rarely get me excited in the way that textured synth leads do. But this is quite good. He builds layers and adds little tiny bits of guitar and synth lead and portamento/sequences here and there for rhythm/contrast, while sticking mainly to his plan of painting in sonic water colour. I’m going to stop here and save the rest for a review, which I hope to write in the next few days, time permitting.

Time to turn off the AC and maybe grab a sandwich, before starting in on the game review I’ve promised Jack Allin of, if I can just get the game running properly.

Thanks for reading.


music, video games, reviews

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