Daily Dose: Fair And Balanced

Oct 23, 2009 08:10

So we're up early in the AM again. Dawn is getting to enjoy the same lifestyle I was living for a few months there, though at least she doesn't have to be out the dorr, by 7:25, which does go a long way towards making this early morning nonsense bearable.

So what do we do to keep entertained? Well, today we enjoyed watching Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow address the right wing lunacy that is Fox News. There are a few people who read this journal who might take a bit of exception to my Left-leaning tendencies, so I'll try not to go on a tirade, especially since I'm not really a poltical creature by nature. What struck me was that Fox News has basically finally been called out for its tendency towards forthing-at-the-mouth Right Wing yellow journalism, and they're using that as some kind of status symbol. We're not White House approved, they boast. They've spent the better part of the year haranguing Obama's adminstration with the fervour of zealots, and now, when it becomes clear that the White House no longer sees them as a responsible news media outlet, they're crying foul. As it turns out, their not being invited to specific presidentail meetings isn't something new. This is exactly what the previous administration did to known liberal journalists throughout it's eight years in office, and nobody took them to task for it. You certainly didn't have numerous so-called news programmes beating their chests and griping about the disparity, because we all knew that the Bush Administration was freezing out the liberal media to keep from having themselves be scrutinized and criticized more thoroughly. That isn't the case with the Obama administration, because they've been criticized from pillar to post over every little thing that does happen (and quite a few things that don't actually happen) since before the man got into office. In once sense, it's comedy gold, but I'm the sensitive sort who doesn't actually enjoy Dumb & Dumber, and definitely not in what is supposedly a news programme.

Okay, < /rant >. My apologies.

In other news, it's Friday. Just in case you hadn't noticed. Soon there will be relaxing and goofing off with my mate for a couple of days, and recharging from what has been a very weird week of trying to wrap my head around a story that is fighting me on several fronts. The story wants to live, but it has some pretty fussy pre-reqs, and I'm not entirely sure if these things I'm having to fuss over are actually making for a better story. *shrug*

And I'm done. Have a nice day, stay warm and dry, and remember, you could always come over and have dinner with us.


news, writing

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