The Fool Rejoices

Sep 16, 2016 17:27

crossposted from Lee Edward McIlmoyle's blog
I’ve started back to work on Limbo Tarot, and in particular, the Fool. I have quite a few unfinished or barely started projects, but seeing some tarot-related work from a dear friend got me thinking about my unfinished painting series. It’ll take years to complete, especially if I keep up with this work rate. I’m proving my wife’s hypothesis correct. So I’m back to work. Gotta do some research to get the trees, clouds and laurel bush accurate. Might also pick a different shoe style. And the jeans aren’t rumpled right. I know that’s all nitpicky, but I want this first image to set the bar for the rest of the series. It has to be mind-bogglingly good. I need people to reconsider my art. They’ve seen my abstracts, and many seem to have written me off as a one hit wonder with no real talent.

So here it is again.

I’ve added some more details since taking this shot, but there’s a lot more work to do still, so it’s not important that this was my before shot, this morning. I will restart the painting process after I get the drawing really tight. Metallic effect. Craggy cliff face shading. Tree leaves. Proper folds and creases in the cloth. It’s either going to be breathtaking, or it will be the last serious painting I ever do.

Time to get back to work. More updates soon. I promise.

Thanks for reading.


tarot series, art

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