crossposted from Lee Edward McIlmoyle's blog
Your song for the day is… Judas Unrepentant, performed live by the amazing progressive rock band, Big Big Train:
Click to view
In other news, book writing goes slowly. Another attempt shall be made momentarily. But first I must feed the catsharks and get some caffeine into this bloodstream of mine. Or is that blood into my caffeine system? I’m not sure…
Okay, so the other day I tried to solve my unreliable witness/unlikable protagonist problems by essentially breaking the fourth wall right from the outset.
No idea if that will do the trick. I may wibble and try again with something more upbeat. But so far, this feels like a good way to go.
And that’s all I’ve got. Well, it’s not, but the rest seems uninteresting to me just now. Maybe later.