Everything Old…

Nov 09, 2013 08:48

crossposted from Lee Edward McIlmoyle's blog
I’ve been tinkering this morning. I’m writing fiction once more, but I also took some time out to tweak a logo concept I was unhappy with. Here’s the original result, which I was never happy with:

It was an interesting result, but it never sat well with me, and ultimately, I just couldn’t live with it. So today, I did this:

I’m much, much more happy with this result.

Yesterday, I did about an hour and a half of writing whilst waiting for Dawn to get out of her appointment, which resulted in about 2K new words. Sadly, I’d had to jettison about 785, so I still have a long way to go, if I’m going to catch up to my wayward word count.

I’ve decided not to post any part of the newest novel until it’s done. That should prove to be enough incentive to get people to buy it. It’s the best I can think of, at any rate.

And then there’s this bunch of nonsense, which I’m choosing to call progress:

Those little blue crosses are signs that my install has a defect, and that I have to save and quit to get the screen to clear. I’m looking forward to finishing the furnishing (try saying that five times quickly), so I can set the band loose and watch them while I work. I don’t think I’m going to actually try to influence them. I’m just going to lock certain doors, designate certain beds, and set them loose. Whatever will be will be. Unless I have to move somebody out. I think I already have ideas about one of two characters that will make a graceful exit, should it become necessary.

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for today. I missed Art Crawl last night (sorry about that). Have a nice weekend.


one a day, perpetual tuesday, linktales, video games, writing

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