
Nov 20, 2011 16:30

This was almost an inconceivable topic, so it took me a moment, but here it is.

Finally! I could actually use 2001: A Space Odyssey, for once! There are three inconceivable things in it.
One is that Hal, the Hal 9000 (that's the type of computer) that is supposedly the best type of computer in the world, actually isn't a perfect computer. But they find out that he isn't when he starts killing them by disobeying orders. But the brand was so well known to be good, they considered it inconceivable.

The second is that I will ever voluntarily watch that movie ever again without a guidebook explaining everything unless I can't get to sleep by any other means. And I'd have to be in bed with my lights out, because I'll sleep nearly instantly. It was really confusing. To voluntarily watch it without a guidebook or being allowed to go to sleep in the middle of it is inconceivable.

The third is that I will ever voluntarily watch the sequel, 2010: A Space Odyssey, under the same circumstances because as I say it it's inconceivable. The reason for that is that I have been told that it is worse than the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, and I was seriously not impressed with it in the first place.

Have you ever actually thought about the word, though? It technically has two meanings, but they connect together. One is to think up an idea, or to give birth to an idea. The second is to have a baby, or to give birth to a baby. The key words there are give birth. It's really cool, how it's like they're equal in importance.

inconceivable, lj idol s8

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