Jan 11, 2011 20:56
My dragons and I were walking along when I saw a group of people, talking quietly, all of a sudden they had no purses. I managed to get a pic but just barely. I was almost to the police office to bring the pic when we saw the thief again. From a farther view, he looked normal. And if he had to look on one end of the scale, he would look rich. But when we studied him up close, he was very poor and messy. He didn't have a house or a van or any sort of shelter or roof over his head. Didn't. We were about to change that. And I whispered to my dragonnette team, as I then called my team of small dragons, "Take heart."
We casually walked up and said hi. He didn't respond. After a long time trying to be friendly, we finally just cut to the chase. He immediately glowered. But we set our minds on it and we finally convinced him to respond. And he brightened when we said we'd buy him lunch and dinner. He brightened even more when we said that he could invite family and friends and it would all be on me. We ended up paying roughly $100 for everything, but we didn't mind. And although he glowered again if we could ask some somewhat personal questions, he brightened again when we suggested we go to our house. And in our group, we once more whispered, "Take heart."
When we finally reached my house and I told them to come on in but to blindfold them so their quarters would be a surprise, they did so but with a little caution. Understandable, because the police were on their tails and a weird dragon girl just invited them over with evidence that they did a crime. So I said that as soon as we got to their quarters that the blindfolds would be taken off. Meanwhile, they could be reassured that no one would come because of the diamond door, and it was seriously heavy so you could hear the grunts as they lifted the lock. And we said to ourselves, "Take heart."
We asked a couple of questions. Of course, we sent the family members away for the last question, being why do you steal. He said that he had to pay for his sister's college and because they didn't have jobs, stealing seemed to be the only option left. We said we could help, but we didn't say so very directly. We said to him, "Take heart. Don't worry."
We bought them food and then got them jobs. When they left, they usually came back. But they said that they were moving out. We said bye.
We never saw them for the next twenty years. And then, one day, I'm on the news. The guy holding up my picture is the one who I stopped from stealing. And then he talked about how we helped him. He said to everyone, "Take heart, dragons. Take heart."
Then we again saw him. He was the owner of his company now. He made a lot of money and spent most of it on- you probably guessed it, homeless people and shelters. He had bought several houses for many homeless people and families and they got free room and board. And he sees me on the streets, roaming, and before I know it he's right there hugging us. And we all said, "Take heart."
lj idol s7,