HP Fests on Dreamwidth & Livejournal

Oct 18, 2023 12:00

The following HP fests are happening on Dreamwidth (DW) and/or Livejournal (LJ). Most of them are posting on AO3.

HP Halloween 2023 (LJ): A Hallowe'en/autumn themed double drabble exchange. 200 words. You can post treats even if you haven't signed up. See here for the wishlists. Works due on October 25. Reveals happening on AO3 on October 31.

Snapecase 2024: Severus centric anonymous fest on LJ. Write a fic or create art featuring Severus in the age range of your choice. Sign-up is currently open. Works due on November 30. Posting begins in January.

Harry Potter Kink Meme Round 2: Kink centric prompt meme on DW. Open to all medium. Anon posting allowed. DW account not required. Has both an anon and a non-anon AO3 collection. Runs from October 16 to December 31. You can also post fills for round 1 prompts.

Hoggy Warty Xmas: A LJ Christmas festival Focusing on Hogwarts staff and older characters within the book series. See here for the character list. Running a book club (recs), fic & art prompt fest, and an event for all other medium. Sign-up may or may not still be open -- contact the mods for more information. Everything is due on December 5.


The Ice Royals' Valentines Extravaganza: Lucius/Narcissa prompt fest on DW. Prompting begins on November 1. Posting begins on February 14.

Snarry-a-Thon24: Anonymous Severus/Harry prompt fest. Run by the snape_potter community on DW and LJ. Prompting & sign-up begins in January 2024. Posting begins on May 1.

hp fests

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